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Writing & Mindfulness:

A practice for navigating difficult times

A daily writing practice and a consistent meditation practice have the power to ground and center us during difficult times. Writing gives us perspective and helps us make sense of the world. Mindfulness teaches us how to make space for the joy as well as the fear.


This experiential meditation retreat and writing workshop invites participants of all experience levels to delve deeply into both practices. We’ll begin each session with a burst of free writing—what Natalie Goldberg calls ‘writing practice’—generating work we will share with each other in a safe and supportive environment.


Afterward, we’ll explore various guided meditations and mindfulness exercises designed to help us develop the resources to cope in times of crisis, as well as nourish our creativity.


Everyone will leave the retreat with the tools--and the inspiration—to cultivate their own daily meditation and writing practices.


Note: At the end of the workshop, participants will be given a free month’s membership in Creative Caffeine Daily, an online platform that uses daily prompts and weekly partners to foster creativity. (A $40 value).


While this workshop can be taught online over multiple sessions, it works particularly well in-person in a retreat setting. It can also be tailored for the needs of a day-long retreat.

"It was heartwarming and inspiring to hear the struggles others have been through and are overcoming in their unique and courageous ways. It was amazing to hear their beautiful voices with full openness and authenticity. And it was deeply therapeutic for me to have the opportunity to participate and become a part of the whole."

- Esalen participant


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